Saturday, October 31, 2015


In the month of December 1916 Vamanrao suffered from severe anoxeria. Thus he was unable to eat anything, and had lost a lot of weight. Vamanrao had gone home to recuperate. One morning around 9 am., a fakir appeared at his door & asked him, “Are you Vamanrao LLB?” Vamanrao asked him why he wanted to know, and how he could help him. The fakir replied, “Sai Baba gave me one rupee and asked to go to various Darghas & pray for the health & well being of Vamanrao LLB.”
Vamanrao was overwhelmed by what the fakir said. He thought, “Baba has so much of loving compassion for His devotees. I am so far away from Shirdi and except for Baba and this fakir no one else knows that I anorexia. The act epitomises the unconditional compassion of my Sadguru. The Sadguru does not bother whether His devotee is worthy or unworthy, of His Grace. Baba did not take my merits and virtues into account, because if He did I would have been unworthy of His Grace, as He is ‘all-knowing’. However, Baba did not consider my unworthiness and like a loving parent asked the fakir to pray for my health. How will I ever be able to repay Him? If anyone thinks that Baba did all this because I give Him a lot of Dakshina, they are sadly mistaken. There are numerous devotees who gave Baba ten times or even a hundred times more Dakshina than I did.
Once Vamanrao Narvekar was running a high temperature, his son then gave Baba five hundred rupees as Dakshina. And as soon as Baba accepted the money he started rigors & high fever, and Narvekar was cured. Like Narvekar there are numerous affluent devotees, and alongside them what is my worth? Yet without considering this Baba showered His compassionate love on me. The merciful Baba did this immeasurable favour that I will never ever be able to repay. Baba has bestowed innumerable favours on me & if I start counting them, then I will have to count till the end of time.
Our Sadguru, Sai Baba is Parabrahma, He is all pervading, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipresent. Nothing in this cosmos escapes his knowledge.
(Ref: Shainathne Sharane written by Swamy Sai Sharan Anand & translated into Marathi by V.B.Kher)
A Divine Journey with Baba – compiled by Vinny Chitluri, Sterling.

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